"Wata come ina me room
me sweep out some wid di broom
the likkle dog laugh fi see such fun
and di dish run away wid di spoon"
These, the words to possibly Lovindeer's most popular song, a witty commentry that followed the passage of Hurricane Gilbert. Well Lovindeer strikes again, this time his object of interest? Beeni Man and D'Angel controversy. I barely heard all the words of the song this morning on Fame FM's Trivial Pursuit show, but it was hard to miss the point of the song. I can't remember the lyrics but it basically said Beenie Man need to go find another angel. I promise to get the lyrics for you, but for now just bear in mind that Lovindeer came out of his hiatus from music to sing about the estranged couple. What a calamity, can you imagine. In any case seems we will be hearing about the couple for a little longer. Beenie, D'Angel, not worry, No press, is bad press.
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