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Friday, September 7, 2007

Heineken Green Synergy- Semi Final 1

Posted by Keas on 1:29 PM 0 comments

Sorry Guys! I totally lost track of the time at about 2:45 and missed all of DJ Rohan's 25 minutes. I Heard the last 3 minutes so i have nothing to give you on that half of the play off.
But I am just in time to hear Khemist, and I'm hoping that the batteries from my MP3 player doesn't decide to go dead...this is me keeping my fingers crossed...
What can i tell you though? As i suspected, Narity got kicked out of from his playoff last week so the other semi-final will be between Dj Trinity and DJ David.

Dj Khemist Dj Rohan

Last week i gave David and Narity nuff props for playing soca. This week, I like the old dancehall that Khemist played. So far, he's doing a good job of mixing and changing from song to song smoothly, songs like "go-go wine" and "heads high" were some good selections. Scratching skills are excellent, well according to me anyway...right? I can see Khemist being a good street DJ, not just a radio DJ. He knows how to keep the vibe of the crowd, as we saw on turntablism on CVM and he works the mic, not too much but just enough to connect to listeners. The switch from Old dancehall to hip hop/rap wasn't very smooth though, it was too sharp and I'm not sure the song that he started with was a good follow from the song he was playing before. He managed to settle into the hip hop/rap segment though with songs from Notorious B.I.G and Busta Rhymes, still staying in the 1990's. This boy got some skills. I didn't hear Rohan play but if he beats out Khemist, he must have got some serious skills, because right now Khemist is impressing me.

Soca!!! Again...Ok...old soca, but that's what the public knows and likes, and that's important for a DJ to survive. Songs like "footsteps" and "stamina" are classics. I like the fact that, unlike one of the Djs last week he didn't just skip from old to new erratically, some sequence, order, some semblance that he knows what he is doing and he played them well, I could imagine being in a soca fete and enjoying the vibe, and I more than any one else is a serious critic when it comes to DJs who play Soca music.

Well his 25 minutes is up and i think he kicked ass! I know none of these Djs personally, all my comments are objective. That said...don't forget to vote guys and listen in on the Blazing 95FM, Fridays 3-4pm for the play offs.

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